I am a pillar of salt.


That’s my whole problem–I am like Lot’s wife. I keep looking back. How many times has God told me that I need to let go. But I can’t. I can’t let go of the past. The past is the life that I want and I can’t accept the future which looks to me like a life that I don’t want at all.

The future looks terrifying.

And so I say, “Lord, save me.”

And what does He say? “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”

That was the disciples in today’s Gospel (Matthew 8:23-27). They were terrified of the storm. They thought that surely they were perishing. I mean that’s what it looked like. That was the logical conclusion to the terrible storm they were in the midst of.

But they did the right thing-they called out to Jesus. They recognized that the situation was so much bigger than them. They realized they couldn’t save themselves. They realized they needed help and that He was the one who would give it to them.

“Lord, save us.”

And after they turned to Him and allowed Him to work in the circumstance, there was a great calm.

I am terrified from holding on to something that is already gone. The calm comes in the calling out to our Savior and letting go, letting Him work.


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