We want what we want.

I think its easy to try and make God accept our plan for our life instead of trying to figure out what His plan is. Its easy to not realize we are doing this too. We have got a hundred reasons why our plan for our lives makes sense and why it should be God’s plan too.

Maybe that’s why He has to knock us off our feet to get us to listen.

He has to take away what we are clinging to that is getting in the way of our listening to Him. He has to completely change our direction.

That’s when we look finally look up and say “God what do you want???”

Do you think sometimes we don’t ask that question because we don’t want to know what the answer is? We are comfortable with our plans. In fact, we probably spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves that our plans is what God wants and we spend time trying to convince God of that too. Again, is it any wonder sometimes that God allows us to suffer in order to bring us to holiness, to bring us to Him?

And–it’s not just asking the question. The difference when we ask God what He wants when we are suffering is that we genuinely want to know! We want to know the true answer. We need to know the true answer.

My suffering has taken some twists and turns and back and forth and back . . .and sometimes its hard to know the right way to go.  A lot of people will tell you a lot of things. Sometimes even in the midst of the suffering it’s hard to know how to handle it all. Emotions are high. Just like I was saying, I don’t always handle it well. It’s all uncharted waters. But I do want to know how God wants me to handle it–daily and that plan for my life.

What do I have to come back to, except what does God want? Yes, that quiet time in prayer–and asking a whole lot of people to pray for you–and then you follow.


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