I’ve spent the first part of summer preparing for this and that, packing, unpacking, and repacking food and coolers and sweatshirts to go to ball games, packing and unpacking various kids for various trips . . .
And I was burnt out before we even got out summer off the ground.
Nothing like a few hours of quiet, a start to my book study, a few good friends, adoration, prayer and confession to get me back. Seriously. I felt like I was given CPR and given a bit of life again. And so when I came back alive, I decided I want to enjoy my summer.
I’ve known for a long time that in order to actually do anything–whether its spiritual or just fun–I have to be deliberate.Deliberate in planning and deliberate in following through. So I have a list of things I’d like to accomplish this summer–and a list from each of my kids.
Now its time for the doing.
So here’s my 4 questions for every day:

1. What will I do to help my family grow in holiness?
2. What fun thing will we do?
3. What will get clean?
4.What will I read?

So this is what it looks like today, attached to my to-do list:


Or my messy handwriting translated it says::

To clean: Front room/landing kitchne/dishes

To play: Outside/play-do

To read: Momnipotence

Spiritual: Work on Our Father (that is having the older kids help me teach the Our Father to the little ones)

So, my goal is to make a  list like this every moring. Some days our fun things will be bigger and may some days what needs cleaned will be bigger or whatever. There’s always things going on and things to adjust for, but I’m willing to just go with it.

So, I’ll check back in with you and let you know if I make the list and if I follow through.

What do you think? Want to join me in being deliberate this summer?

One comment on “The Agenda for Summer: Being Deliberate

  1. Aunt Susie

    Excellent plan! I’m the same way – so much more productive when I map my day out ahead of time. I like how you have 4 distinctive goals to work on a little each day – very nice. Would be interesting in a few minths to look back and see all you have accomplished!
    Aunt Susie recently posted…The Agenda for Summer: Being DeliberateMy Profile

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